How I made $1000 in 15 days using Pinterest + Brand New Website

Few weeks ago, I began my research to observe if I can expand my traffic at Pinterest, escalate my earnings and can outstretch them without massive activity using Social Multiplier2.

I have tried different methods and assessed multiple ways and found this approach to be tremendously advantageous in achieving the maximum benefit.

Hereby, I want to share my experience with you and then hand in the immensely useful knowledge to you to do and see the results yourself.

Learning Points

  • How to increase the visitor number and multiply Pinterest followers?
  • How to make the entire process work automatically?
  • How to increase earnings from Pinterest?
  • My way to employ Social Multiplier
  • How to get started quickly?

Outcome of my Analysis with Pinterest

To start with, I will show you the results of my Pinterest analysis and then I shall move ahead to the technique of using it.

I could complete the entire experiment quickly and results were in front of me in a day’s time.

I did not have to sit and do everything manually. But the automated system reduced my stress and displayed the eye-widening outcome automatically.

Also Read: How to Start Pinterest from Scratch

 Here are the few quick facts obtained from my analysis

  • 20,000 page views in just 15 days!
  • Reached 3000 subscribers !
  • 40,877 visitors to other sites!
  • Earning $998 till date!

So here you can judge the results of my analysis yourself.

ALERT: Claim Your Social Multiplier Version 2.0 Copy Right Here.

You yourself can see the impact that I got from Oct 10, 2016 to Oct 19, 2016

Here, you can see the statistics before using Social Multiplier2


And, these are the results afterward



Let’s get to know – How to get started ?

After having a closer look at the results, lets find out how you can also generate similar results ? The following strategy can help you mastermind it.

1.Firstly, search for the relevant boards and People

pinterest-guide-Search and Follow


2. Secondly, follow the followers of popular boards or people



3. Thirdly, continuously follow all the followers for the next 7 days



4. After some days (say at 8th day), you can unfollow anyone who has not followed you back

Unfollow not following back followers


5. Lastly, do regular pinning at your account to maintain the quality and flow of visitors to your Pinterest account.

Pin Quality Images Regurarly


Though steps appear simple, it is not possible to do all of them manually as it will demand lots of your time, attention, and hard work.

Lets move to the smart work. We can tackle this by taking help of a software which can do the same task in a continuous uninterrupted way with automation. Social Multiplier2 is one such software which can help you out with this.

How SM is helpful in doing this ?

I tried this software for my Pinterest account. It did not take me even more than few minutes to set and run up the entire software. Moreover, it took care of all the things while I could finish other things on my plate.

Highlights of SM

1. Brings instant quality followers

It can regularly drive thousands of visitors to user sites on auto-pilot. This traffic often has great conversion rates and will engage for long time on site.

2. Multiply Pinterest Followers

It can increase the number of your followers on Pinterest to an exceptionally great numbers and in short time.

3. Amazing Social Proof

Since it pins your URL on Pinterest, social share numbers shown in social sharing plugins on your site will show thousands of shares!

ALERT: Claim Your Social Multiplier Version 2.0 Copy Right Here.

How to set up Social Multiplier?

Social Multiplier2 is an automated tool for Pinterest which provides you with a system to do multiple things at one platform.

Step 1 – Add your Account/Accounts

Once your Pinterest account is linked with Social Multiplier2, you are all set to sail towards your goal. You can add multiple accounts to this software pertaining to different topics, with a variety of niches or different accounts targeted to different topics. Thus, it can get you a stupendous number of relevant followers which can be directed to your multiple sites

Step 2 – Put software setting on “Follow”

The software has the ability to follow variable instructions for your different Pinterest accounts. It can follow specific people or boards based on a specific keyword search. Moreover, it can follow that board or people and also the followers who follow that board or that person thus generating a grand number of followers.

Step 3 – Put software setting “Unfollow”

By step 2, our aim is not to follow many people. But our target is to collect and enhance the number of followers for our accounts or boards so that we can get more subscribers for our websites or sale through our websites. This is what can be relied most on this software over its unique feature of unfollowing those people who don’t follow us back in certain time, say in seven days period.

Step 4 – Automatically pinning

By Step 2 and Step 3, the software helps us generate a targeted group of followers destined for our specific site links. But a great reason for them to follow us back relies on the quality of our pins.

Thus regular following will happen only if we keep adding new pins and renewing our boards. The software can take care of automatically pinning at your accounts while you can sit back and relax.

If you want to make sure that your account has followers keep flowing, then you can put them yourself to make sure that your pins are of supreme quality.

Points to Remember

Keeping in mind certain points can help you extract maximum

  1. If your account on Pinterest is new, do not follow too many people for first few days. The number must not be more than 150 followers per day
  2. Similarly, you should take care that it does not unfollow beyond certain number, say 150 per day
  3. There should not be over pinning, that is , do not post too many pins
  4. Do not depend on the software for automatic pins. I would recommend you to pin yourself regularly to have a great content. That will keep people following you through a vested interest in your quality pins.

Final Words

When we can employ an automatic strategy like Social Multiplier at the expense of our advantage, we can multiply our chances to reap fruitful results. This software has been launched by “Jonathan Leger” who is a well-known developer of many software and has earned a name for himself through his great work in the field.

ALERT: Claim Your Social Multiplier Version 2.0 Copy Right Here.

As manual handling can drain us of energy and money, it would be a good idea to give SM2 a chance that it well deserves. Not only it helps you manage your work efficiently but also takes away your all your worries at the same moment while giving you some time to relax!

If we work hard and strive for our goals, then we can definitely achieve them one day! The only difference lies in channelizing them in right way. Then not only the goal is attained in short time but also in a splendid way!

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